Currently it is estimated that there 337 dog breeds, recognized worldwide, of which 21 They originate in Spain, according to Real Canine Society of Spain (RSCE). If we look back, dogs historically functioned as guardians and keepers of flocks. Nowadays, This function continues in the rural areas of our country but dogs have become members of many families and faithful companions for man.

And in this sense, Dogs have been a key element for hunting, since many of the Spanish native breeds are linked to hunting.

In the years 70 a significant movement occurs throughout Spain to recover the Spanish races by creating clubs, organizations, congresses and symposia, etc. Since breeds like Mastiff Pyrenean or Bulldog Canary were the extinction. Today some of the races are still in recovery phase, But others are already present worldwide.

Spanish races

If you look at the Spanish races, Queen is the Spanish Mastiff, which is used in transhumance race in the thirteenth century and was the guardian of herds protecting against wolves and other dangers. In this situation we find breeds like the german shepherd, Basque or Catalan Shepherd Shepherd.

Other races are genuine Spanish Water Dog Spanish, very intelligent breed that is characterized by its versatility both as a pastor, hunter but also as a fisherman.

Buzzard Bodeguero Andaluz

This race was originally from interbreeding between terriers English and local dogs Cádiz, where he trained in warehouses and houses gaditanas field.

Perdiguero de Burgos:

special breed for hunting quail and partridge, and highly valued by hunters because of its strength and rustic character. It is also physically very strong and obedient.

Spanish Greyhound

It originated in Castile and Andalusia and was used to chase prey hunting. Known for their shy nature, its streamlined and agile body but they are rigorous with their prey.

buzzard Valenciano

this breed, It is physically very similar to Bodeguero Andaluz but its size is less, and as for its mission they are very similar.

The Dogo Canario

This race was strongly threatened in the early 60 but thanks to recovery efforts, Today it is one of the most popular breeds worldwide.

There is no better way to ensure the survival of a race that taking care of all copies, that is to say, dogs.